Spa Valley Railway » Who's Who at the Spa Valley Railway
The Spa Valley Railway is the Trading Name of the Wealden Railway Company Limited (1936470), a Private Limited Company incorporated on 6th August 1985; its registered office is West Station, Nevill Terrace, Royal Tunbridge Wells, Kent.
The Spa Valley Railway is owned and operated by the Wealden Railway Co. Ltd, which is responsible for the day-to-day running of the railway. The Wealden Railway Co. Ltd is owned by shareholders, the majority shareholder being the Tunbridge Wells & Eridge Railway Preservation Society, a Private Limited Company (2129019), incorporated on 7th May 1987 and a registered Charity No. 1039493.
The day-to-day management of the Spa Valley Railway is undertaken by the General Manager and the Leadership Team which consists of Managers, some of whom are also Directors of either the Company or the Charity. The Leadership Team meets on a monthly basis; the General Manager chairs these meetings.
The Tunbridge Wells & Eridge Railway Preservation Society and its Trustees exist to preserve the line between Tunbridge Wells West & Eridge, ensuring that the charitable objectives of the Society are met, as detailed in the Charity's Articles of Association.
You can contact any member of the team by email. Email addresses are For all general enquiries, please use our Contact Us page.
The Leadership Team
Finance of Wealden Railway Company Limited
Marketing & PR
Wealden Railway Company Ltd - Company Registered No.1936470
Tunbridge Wells and Eridge Railway Preservation Society LtdCharity registered no. 1039493/Company registered No. 2129019
Trustees & Directors of the Society:
Other Responsible Persons
Roster Clerks
Diesel/Operations Dept.
Steam Dept.
Guards & TTI Dept.
Dining Trains & Catering Dep.
Signalman & Forge Farm Crossing Dept.
Tunbridge Wells West Station Staff
Groombridge Station Staff
Eridge Station Staff
Administrative Team
Groups Associated with the Spa Valley Railway
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