Spa Valley Railway » Join our railway! » Volunteer Vacancies

Volunteer Vacancies

There's always a need for more staff in all departments on the Railway, so whatever your interest, drop us a line at we will find a role that suits you!

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Specifically we're currently looking for:


Catering and Dining Train Staff
Catering is an important part of any railway, especially on our 'Dining in the Weald' trains. These trains are the main source of income for the Spa Valley Railway, without them we would struggle to survive and we urgently need more volunteers to keep them running. Thursday and Sunday lunch times, Saturday evenings and a variety of afternoons throughout the year see our popular and sell out dining services operating and we need you to be part of it. Whether it is handing out fish & chips, taking drinks to the table or simply washing up these tasks are absolutely critical to Dining in the wealds continued success.

During 2017 these trains contributed £55,000 to the Wealden Railway Company which owns and operates the Spa Valley Railway, a not for profit organisation run entirely by volunteers for the benefit of the public. This money enables us to continue devopling the railway for future generations to enjoy so please do get involved, we really are in need of volunteers! Please email for futher information and help the Spa Valley to continue steaming into the future.

There are other opportunities in our catering/dining world to work in our recently restored Southern Pacels Van buffet at Eridge which serves hot and cold drinks, snacks and selected gift items. At Groombridge we have a kiosk on the platform offering a similar range. There are also opportunities to work on the award winning bar car "Kate" which travels on the train, serving hot & cold drinks, snacks and also has a licence to serve alcohol. Finally we have our RMB coach that is available to run in our second train on busier weekends. Whatever you would like to try, full training will be given and you get to enjoy the sights and sounds of Steam and Heritage Diesel trains when working on our railway!

The Railway finances its development solely through fare revenue and charitable donations. We're a non profit-making organisation, and all income is re-invested to make the Railway better for our visitors. We've a number of expensive infrastrucutre projects in the pipeline which can only be financed through additional support, and as such we need someone with the drive and contacts to help deliver this.

Retail Assistant

Our shop at Tunbridge Wells West is a valuable source of income for the railway as well as an important visitor facility.  Offering a range of branded goods, childrens toys and model railways, we need volunteer staff willing to help serve our customers on both Operating and non Operating days.  

As restorers and renovators of ancient and obsolete trains, there's always work for someone who can weld! Much of our stock is metal-panelled, and after half a century's exposure to the elements, quite a lot needs replacing to ensure another fifty years of use. We have a couple of welders on our team, but we could certainly manage some more! 

Station Staff/Station Masters
We are completely reliant on volunteers to run our stations, in particular Tunbridge Wells West. This is our main terminus and where the majority of our passengers start and finish their journeys on our railway, we need ticket office staff who can man this vital aspect of our operation with the opportunity to develop into a Station Master if you wish.

There's not many people out there who can say they're in charge of a station located in the grand Victorian Engine Shed of Tunbridge Wells West!

Train Crew, Engine Cleaners, Engineering & Maintenance
As we run more trains, so it follows that we need more crews to operate them. There's a choice of either on-train (Guard/Travelling Ticket Inspector) or locomotive departments.

In either case, you should try to commit to at least two days a month, in order that your training can be structured appropriately (there's a lot lo learn, and a lot of responsibilty). A high standard of personal presentation and a genuine desire to give a great experience for our visitors are essential.

Currently in the Operations Department there are vacancies for Engine Cleaners, this is the grade you begin in before progression to Fireman and then Driver. Our standard shifts are 12 hours however it is all very enjoyable. As soon as you get onto the Operations Department Roster you are rostered turns on the Footplate so you begin you training straight away! Progression is quite quick especially if you can put the hours in!

Alternatively how about joining us in our original LBSCR Engine Shed where we are working away to restore some of our Steam Locomotives, Diesel Locomotives and Carriages. It is jolly good fun and you'll go home filthy but almost certainly be hurrying back for more!

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